St. Paul, MN — On Sept. 3, a coalition of immigrant rights, anti-war and anti-police terror community organizations held the #InjusticeOnAStick protest at Hamline Park here. The protest had over 100 people in attendance. After the rally protesters then marched down Snelling Avenue towards the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. This marked the third year that the Minnesota anti-police terror and Black Lives Matter movement has shut down the Minnesota State Fair.
St. Paul, MN – 20 people rallied in here July 21 to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel. Organized by Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) and the Anti-War Committee (AWC), the protest began with the echo of chants, “From the river to the sea; Palestine will be free,” and “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Aid to Israel has got to go!”
St. Paul, MN – A massive protest is underway at the Minnesota State Capitol building, tonight, June 16, in response to the not guilty verdict in the case of Philando Castile. Castile was killed by Saint Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez.
St. Paul, MN – A massive protest is underway at the Minnesota State Capitol building, tonight, June 16, in response to the not guilty verdict in the case of Philando Castile. Castile was killed by Saint Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez.
St Paul, MN – Hundreds of trade unionists, supporters of immigrant rights, and other progressives have been filling the halls of the Minnesota State Capitol building today, May 24, after a Republican move that placed a host of anti-worker and anti-immigrant measures in finance bills. At one point more than 100 protesters assembled outside the office of Governor Dayton chanting “Veto everything.”
St. Paul, MN – On the evening of May 23, dozens of members of Minnesota immigrant rights groups occupied Governor Mark Dayton’s office in the State Capitol indefinitely to demand that he veto SF 470 – the Public Safety Budget Bill – which was passed by the Republican House and Senate the previous day. The protesters are planning to stay all night or as long as it takes to get the governor to veto the bill.
St. Paul, MN – Hundreds of teachers, along with supporters assembled in the State Capitol building rotunda, May 20, for a “Invest in Success Rally for Public Education.” Republicans control the state legislature, and have passed spending bills that fail to adequately fund public education. Governor Mark Dayton vetoed these bills, and observers say it is likely that education finance bills will have to wait for a special secession of the legislature.
St. Paul, MN – More than 100 people rallied at Leif Erickson Park, near the Capitol Green Line Light Rail station, May 16, to voice their opposition to proposed public transit budget cuts and fare hikes. The rally was organized by the Transportation Forward Coalition who has been promoting resistance to Republican budget proposals at the Minnesota state legislature.
St. Paul, MN – The organizers of a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities issued an urgent last minute appeal for people to join their vigil on April 26 to make a statement against the growing danger of U.S. war in Korea.
St. Paul, MN – About 48,000 people marched to the Minnesota State Capitol, April 22, at the March for Science. The crowd included kids, adults, teachers, science professionals, environmental activists and numerous supporting organizations to “show support for higher education, and the discovery, access and understanding of scientific information.”