Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jennifer Lin

Participants in the Brown Berets National Gathering. (Fight Back! News/staff)

Sacramento, CA — On June 24 La Mesa Nacional de Brown Berets held the annual Brown Berets National Gathering in Sacramento, California. Around 150 community members, organizers and Brown Berets from across the country attended the gathering.


By staff

Sacramento, CA – Leaders of the California Faculty Association (CFA) announced Nov. 4 that 94% of the members who voted have authorized a strike. “Together, and in solidarity with students, staff and allies, we are powerful. We are ready to act if necessary and for as long as it takes,” said CFA President Jennifer Eagan.


By staff

Sacramento, CA – Several dozen activists came together for an Occupy Sacramento community activist and urban outreach conference on March 24 at the SEIU United Healthcare Workers West office. A panel of speakers included representatives from the Los Rios Federation of Teachers, International Faith Based Coalition, Sierra Club, ACLU, Occupy Foreclosures, Women’s Health Specialists and Safe Ground and others.