Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Group of protesters carrying signs with slogans like “Resist NATO! Cancel RIMPAC!” gather behind a table with a banner that reads “San Jose Against War, Money for basic needs not war”

San Jose, CA – On Saturday, July 6, around 20 people gathered in San Jose for a protest in solidarity with the national mobilizations against NATO and RIMPAC that are occurring in Hawaii, San Diego and Washington D.C.


By Jon Abraham

Protestors carry a banner that says “Stop Police Crimes! Community control over police now!” Dozens of other protestors are visible marching behind and beside them.

Washington, DC – On July 7, hundreds of activists from over 60 organizations mobilized to protest the 75th anniversary NATO Summit occurring July 9 -11 in the city. The protest, organized the Resist NATO coalition started at McPherson Square and marched to the White House, demanding an end to U.S.- NATO aggression and to defend peoples’ struggles.