The Bush Pentagon and State Department are crowing after a raid in which 15 prisoners of war, including three American mercenaries, were freed. What they are not telling you is that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) were preparing to unilaterally release the prisoners in early July 2008.
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Oscar Silva, abogado colombiano de Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad), el revolucionario colombiano y preso político cautivo en una cárcel en los Estados Unidos. El gobierno estadounidense tiene a Palmera en una cárcel sin acceso a su abogado, reporteros, o su familia y amigos. Palmera, nacido en una familia rica, ha dedicado su vida entera a la clase trabajadora y a los campesinos de su país. El único “crimen” de Palmera es luchar por el pueblo colombiano y por el derecho de tener control sobre su propio país. El juicio en su contra es una farsa, y es un intento de criminalizar uno de los grupos principales en la lucha para la liberación de Colombia – las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC).
Ricardo Palmera, a key leader in Colombia’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was handed over to U.S. custody Dec. 31. He is now sitting in a U.S. jail awaiting trial in federal court. Everyone who values justice should raise their voices and demand his immediate release.
A critical moment has arrived in the battle to stop the murder of a freedom fighter, Mumia Abu Jamal. Mumia sits on death row in Pennsylvania, convicted of a crime he never committed. The government wants to kill him, to silence a voice that thunders against injustice and speaks the language of liberation. Every effort must be made to build and attend the Millions for Mumia demonstration in Philadel-phia on April 24. Now is the time to stay the hand of the executioner and bring a new trial for Mumia Abu Jamal.
On July 28, political prisoner Leonard Peltier had his first parole hearing in 15 years. Peltier’s supporters rallied outside the hearing demanding his freedom. The parole board is expected to announce the results of the hearing within three weeks.
Philadelphia, PA – On April 24, tens of thousands of people, some from as far as France, gathered here at the Millions for Mumia March. A simultaneous demonstration took place in San Francisco, California. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former member of the Black Panther Party, has been on death row for over a decade for a crime he did not commit. Attempts by the city officials to prevent the march by not granting a permit failed, as people united around the rallying cry: Free Mumia! Speakers ranging from the Black Police Officers Federation to the Move organization called for Mumia's release.
Philadelphia, PA – On October 13 1999, Governor Ridge of Pennsylvania signed a new warrant for “the execution by lethal injection of Mumia Abu-Jamal of Philadelphia.” The execution date is set for December 2.
There has been a positive new development in the struggle to free Mumia Abu- Jamal. Judge William H. Yohn, a Pennsylvania District Court judge, has agreed to review the entire trial record before he makes his decision on whether or not to grant an evidentiary hearing in Mumia's case.
Washington, D.C. – 1,000 people descended on the Supreme Court, February 28, demanding a new trial for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Protestors blocked traffic and clogged the streets in a civil disobedience action. Police arrested 185 people. The Washington D.C. demonstration coincided with a protest in San Francisco where 166 people were arrested for jamming the streets around the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.