Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By David Hungerford

People’s Organization for Progress (POP) Hands off Social Security picket line i

Newark, NJ – The People’s Organization for Progress (POP) put a Hands off Social Security picket line in front of the Essex County Social Security building, April 16. Hundreds of drivers blew horns. Passersby stop to talk and show solidarity. Other participating organizations included the International Action Center, One People One Nation, Veterans for Peace and the Coalition to Save Our Homes.


By David Hungerford

Protest in Trenton

Trenton, NJ – People gathered here to rally and hold a press conference, March 29, on the need for uncompensated write-down of overpriced mortgages contracted during the housing bubble, the period after 1997. The event marked a court hearing aimed at elimination of ‘robo-signing,’ foreclosures undertaken by banks that cannot prove ownership of the mortgage.


By Arthur Henson

Newark, NJ – Rasheed Fuquan Moore, 26, was killed Jan. 24 by Newark police officer Thomas Ruane in a 12:30 a.m. shooting incident. In the same incident, Ruane’s partner, officer Nicholas Popolizio, shot Richard Guy, 26, in the leg.


By David Hungerford

Marching down residential street

Newark, NJ – Community outrage has broken out in here over the May 15 police killing of Basire Farrell. Over 100 people turned out when the victim's family and the People's Organization for Progress (POP) sponsored a protest march and rally on May 23.