Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

March on the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The cause of peace and justice suffered a blow in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump. Trade unions, Black community groups, immigrant right organizations, student activists and others joined a surge of protest designed to make sure that ‘business as usual’ would be impossible for Republican bigots taking office, while criticizing disappointing corporate Democratic Party politicians for their shortcomings. With the 2018 midterm elections quickly approaching, it is important for everyone to have a good analysis and plan of action.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Standing up to eight years of repression

Eight years ago, on Sept. 24, 2010, more than 70 FBI agents took part in a series of coordinated raids that were aimed at activists of the anti-war and international solidarity movements, and also members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). In a bogus investigation of “material support of terrorism” charges, seven houses and an office in Minneapolis and Chicago were raided. While the raids were underway, FBI agents approached and attempted to intimidate activists in Michigan, California, North Carolina and Wisconsin.


By Carolyn Connelly

New York, NY – I was recently watching the documentary She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, about the second wave of feminism in the U.S. In it, one woman said one of the main lesson that she's learned is that no victory is permanent, and that really struck me. No victory is permanent. And while I was watching this documentary, news hit my social media that Chelsea Manning had announced that she was going to take her own life. And I thought again how no victory is permanent.


By Jess Schwartz

A nurse and doctor at the Havana Psychiatric Hospital.

New York, NY – On June 5, fashion designer Kate Spade died via suicide. Three days later, chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain also committed suicide. Along with his TV show, Bourdain was a supporter of Palestine and the #MeToo movement, as well as openly criticizing Henry Kissinger for his foreign policy.


By Hatem Abudayyeh

Ora Schub

Chicago, IL – To me, Ora Schub is a Palestinian. Her parents, who practiced Judaism, were born in Palestine before the founding of the settler-colonial state of Israel, so in essence, they were Palestinian Jews. And Ora took her nationality from her parents, so in my book, that makes her a Palestinian. But even if she didn't identify as one, Ora made a decision long ago to be an anti-Zionist and an anti-racist, and to join the movement in support of Palestinian self-determination, in support of the Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees and their descendants, and in support of ending Israeli colonization and occupation of all Arab lands.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – In November of 2016, president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega was elected for a third term with 72% approval. Despite what the U.S. government says about Nicaraguan elections, the Carter Center’s election observer teams routinely praise Nicaragua’s fair and free elections. It is clear the U.S. government is unhappy with the results, so U.S. interference with deadly consequences is the order of the day.


By Jess Sundin

Tyrone Williams at conclusion of battle to stop foreclosure of their house

Minneapolis, MN – Across the Twin Cities, community members are reeling from the sudden death of Tyrone Rashad Williams, who was shot outside his family home on the early evening of Tuesday, April 3. As his sister, Raeisha said, “Honor my bro as an individual, not another slain African American male on the North Side, because that’s not who he is. His name was Tyrone Rashad Williams and he was a freedom fighter. He was a community activist. He was a lover, he was a father, he was a son, he was an uncle. He was a friend to many people.”


By staff

Mao Zedong with U.S. revolutionary Robert Williams.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following April 16, 1968 statement from Mao Zedong on the assassination of Martin Luther King. Statement by Comrade Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression


By Frank Chapman

_A gigantic tree has fallen _

Winnie Nomazamo Madikizela-Mandela

“…even in the deepest moments of our struggle for liberation Mama Winnie was an abiding symbol of our people to be free…”-- Cyril Ramaphosa, president of the Republic of South Africa.


By Nathaniel Wallace

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Jersey City, NJ – The U.S. opioid epidemic is yet another chapter in the shameful history of U.S. public health policy failing working-class Americans. The deadly effects of heroin and opioid addiction have long since plagued America’s resource-deprived urban centers and impoverished rural areas. However, the U.S. opioid epidemic has only recently entered the mainstream national discourse; clearly the result of its deadly effects now ravaging middle-class suburbia and the children of the 1%.


By staff

Friends and fellow peace activists posed for a group photo in honor of Pat.

Chicago, IL – The People’s Thanksgiving dinner is held each year as an anti-racist holiday event by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) in Chicago. Usually a festive affair, this year included a note of sadness because local peace activist Pat Hunt had died only days earlier.


By staff

Memorial meeting for Josephine Wyatt

Chicago, IL – A memorial was held, Nov. 11, where friends, family, and comrades of Josephine Wyatt gathered to remember her 95 years of life and struggle.


By Carlos Montes

Yvonne on left, holding banner

Los Angeles, CA – Chicana revolutionary Yvonne de Los Santos passed Sept. 21, 2017. A strong determined advocate for self-determination for our Chicano Nation, Yvonne grew up in Saticoy and graduated from Buena High School in Ventura, California. She went on to attend Moorpark and ELA Colleges.


By Sarah Martin

Marianne Hamilton

Minneapolis, MN – Marianne Hamilton, 97, a long time, highly respected, and much loved anti-war activist died Saturday August 5. Along with Polly Mann, Marianne founded Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) years ago. Polly recalls she was the model of how to do peace work, that “she was a light to all of us.”


By Sarah Martin

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Minneapolis, MN – Margaret Sarfehjooy, a tireless, fearless and greatly respected anti-war activist, died suddenly and unexpectedly on April 28. She was a longtime member of WAMM (Women Against Military Madness) and on the organizations board for many years.


By Sol Márquez

Los Angeles, CA – Brock Turner is a 22-year-old white Stanford University swimmer jock who nobody cared about, until he decided to rape an unconscious woman (“Emily Doe”) behind a dumpster. His disgusting face should be familiar to all of you.


By Jess Sundin

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Minneapolis, MN – I first met Lynne Stewart, and her husband Ralph Poynter, in the summer of 2008 at an anti-war conference in Ohio. When I met the famed “people’s lawyer,” she was in the midst of appealing her conviction for the bogus crime of vigorously defending her client. Lynne was humble and warm, and didn’t seem to notice that I was star struck as she signed on in support of the anti-war march I was organizing at the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul the coming September.


By Fight Back! Editors

Ted Dooley

Minneapolis, MN – On Feb. 2 an outstanding lawyer for the people, Ted Dooley, passed away. Fight Back! extends our condolences to his family, many friends and all those who knew him through the struggles for peace, justice and equality.


By Dave Schneider

On Jan. 23, President Donald Trump signed an executive action withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Negotiated by then-president Barack Obama, the TPP would have standardized trade between the U.S., Japan, Mexico, and nine other countries in the Pacific Rim, lowering tariffs and regulations between countries to favor corporations. The agreement drew heavy criticism from labor unions and environmental groups, who argued the TPP would hurt workers and hamper efforts to address climate change.


By Ekim Kilic

Editor’s note: Fight Back! Is publishing the following commentary by Ekim Kilic that includes a wealth of information on the role of Turkey in Syria, which will be of interest to many readers. Given the rapid developments in Syria after the liberation of Alleppo from Western-backed sectarian forces, Fight Back! will have more coverage and commentary on the situation in upcoming weeks.

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