Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN – More than four months after Minneapolis police shot Jamar Clark, the county prosecutor is expected to announce on Wednesday, March 30 whether he will prosecute the Minneapolis police officers that shot and killed him. However Freeman decides to handle the case, the community plans to respond with protests calling not only for indictment, but prosecution of officers Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze to the full extent of the law.


By staff

(Photo credit: Jess Sundin)

Minneapolis, MN – About 300 people rallied in front of the Hennepin County government building, March 26, demanding that County Attorney Mike Freeman bring charges against the Minneapolis police officers who murdered Jamar Clark. Clark was killed by officers Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze on Nov. 15, 2015.


By Jess Sundin

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Minneapolis, MN – Community leaders spoke out in united opposition, March 25, to Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau’s remarks about protests that are calling for justice for Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old African American man who was killed by police in November. Tensions are high as the community waits for Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman to announce whether or not he will charge the officers for Clark’s murder.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Organizers the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar will hold several local actions to win justice prosecution of the police who killed Jamar Clark in November, and they are asking supporters from across the country to lend their voices in the effort, with a national call-in day set for Thursday, March 24.


By staff

Marching against U.S wars in Minneapolis. March 19.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people joined a Minneapolis anti-war protest on March 19.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – An important victory came today, March 16, in the fight for justice for Jamar Clark, who was killed by Minneapolis police in November. For months, the family and community have been fighting for prosecution of those police, and saying no to the grand jury that Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman had said he would use to bring charges in the case. Today, Freeman announced that he has decided not to send this case to the grand jury, and to end the use of grand juries in police shootings in the county.


By Jess Sundin

A screen shot of the video the racists took of themselves

Minneapolis, MN – Allen “Lance” Scarsella appeared in court here, March 15, charged with first degree assault, second degree riot, and five counts of second degree assault with a firearm resulting in substantial bodily harm, for his part in the November shooting of five people protesting the police killing of Jamar Clark. Scarsella faces a maximum sentence of 55 years.


By staff

Speakers at Student State of the University event.

Minneapolis, MN – Students from the University of Minnesota gathered for the Student State of the University, March 10. The Student State of the University has been an annual response to the administration’s State of the University. The administration delivered its State of the University one week earlier. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) called for a Student’s State of the University as in an effort to juxtaposition the concerns of students with those of its administration.


By staff

Banner drop demanding justice for Jamar in County Government  Center

Minneapolis, MN – Community members are turning up the heat here as prosecutor Mike Freeman drags his feet, insisting he will throw the police killing of Jamar Clark to a grand jury. Last week, March 8, members of Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar Clark brought the issue to the open forum section of the county commissioners meeting. Several spoke up to demand no grand jury.


By staff

Chicago protest against Trump.

Minneapolis, MN – In the aftermath of the dramatic 5000-person protest that caused Trump to cancel his March 11 campaign appearance on the campus of the University of Illinois, Steff Yorek, the political secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, urged progressive activists around the U.S. to follow Chicago’s example.