Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Intentional Women's Day rally in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN — About 100 people rallied here, March 8, to mark International Women’s Day. Loretta Van Pelt, of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, told the crowd, “We in Freedom Road know the enemy is bigger than Trump. And we call out that enemy. It is the capitalist class. We see the oppression and patriarchy that they try to shove down our throats. Their system that says women should work for peanuts, or work for free, and silently accept the abuses that ruin our lives. But we will not be silent! Today, on International Women’s Day, we shout our rage.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN — Plans are underway to mark International Women’s Day with an outdoor rally, March 8, 5 p.m., at Mayday Plaza, 301 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis. Organized by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the event has been endorsed by Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar, Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, Welfare Rights Committee, Native Lives Matter, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota, and Women's March MN.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – On Feb. 28, students from multiple Minneapolis middle and high schools walked out of classes to demand a clean Dream Act. More than 75 students rallied briefly at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park before travelling to the University of Minnesota campus and marching to the office of Senator Amy Klobuchar. Once they arrived at Klobuchar’s office, students stormed into the building and refused to leave until the senator agreed to meet with them.


By Meredith Aby

Banner at Minneapolis protest against war on the DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – On Feb. 22, the snow fell as Minnesotans stood outside the offices of Senator Klobuchar to oppose the U.S. war threats against Korea. A statement from protest organizers, the Anti-War Committee, said, “Korea has a right to self-determination. The Trump regime needs to stand down, end U.S. war preparations on the Korean peninsula and not add the deaths of millions of Koreans to the administration’s already bloody tally.”


By staff

Cherrene Horazuk, president of the Minnesota’s AFSCME Local 3800.

Minneapolis, MN – Trade unions and their supporters are mobilizing for the Feb. 24 Working People's Day of Action. A major outpouring for workers’ rights is expected in cities across the U.S.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Political Secretary Steff Yorek called for protests at President Trump’s proposed Washington, DC military parade. Speaking to Fight Back! on Feb. 7, Yorek stated, “Trump’s military parade cannot be separated from preparations for war on the Korean peninsula, and other places. At a time when the U.S. is waging wars around the world, there is no reason why those of us who support peace with justice should allow Trump’s display of military might in D.C. to go forward unimpeded.”


By Kim DeFranco

On Feb. 4, more than 500 people protesting police brutality, racism and corporate greed marched on the Super Bowl. These stunning photographs we taken by Kim DeFranco.


By staff

Hundreds march on the Super Bowl.

Minneapolis, MN – Braving sub-zero temperatures, more than 500 people protesting police brutality, racism and corporate greed gathered in south Minneapolis at Peavey Park and marched U.S. Bank Stadium, the site of the Super Bowl, Feb. 4. Upon arriving at the stadium, hundreds of participants took a knee to show their opposition to racist police terror.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Feb. 4, Minneapolis will host a protest against racist police brutality and the sell-out of the city to greedy NFL owners and corporate sponsors. The demonstration, organized by the Super Bowl Anti-Racist Anti-Corporation Coalition (SAAC), will bring together more than 20 local community organizations, for a rally will start at Peavey Park (Franklin & Chicago Ave), at 3 p.m., to be followed by a march to U.S. Bank Stadium.


By staff

Fight Back! editor Mick Kelly

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 supporters of Fight Back! attended a very successful fundraising party, Jan. 20, that netted more than $2600 for the newspaper that “builds the people’s struggle.” Leaders of unions, groups opposing police terror, student, anti-war and immigrant rights organizations gave short toasts praising the paper's accomplishments.