Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Annie Russell-Pribnow

Protestors march through U of MN campus calling for more funding and access

Minneapolis, MN – On July 2, over 100 people marched across the University of Minnesota campus calling for the opening and funding of abortion clinics across the state.


By Drake Thomas Myers

Minneapolis protest against NATO.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 28, over 60 people gathered alongside Washington Avenue outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Minneapolis office in solidarity with international protests against the NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain, where world leaders discussed the expansion of NATO, among other things. Rush-hour traffic honked in support as protesters chanted, “No war with Russia! Disband NATO now!”


By Meredith Aby

Preparing to go into Sen. Klobuchar's office to support the AntiWar 23 on Oct. 1

Minneapolis, MN – Marie Braun, 87, a longtime activist and beloved and respected leader in the peace and justice movement in the Twin Cities, died on June 27 after a very brief illness.


By Siobhan Moore

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Minneapolis, MN – 10,000 people gathered at 6 p.m. on June 24 outside the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota to condemn the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in their decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health. Signs filled the air above the demonstrators, with posters declaring “We won’t go back” and “We won’t back down.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 22 union leaders from AFSCME Local 2822, representing 1300 clerical workers at Hennepin County, crashed the State of the County Address demanding, “Stop retaliation against union activists now! End racism, sexism, ageism at work!”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 22 union leaders from AFSCME Local 2822, representing 1300 clerical workers at Hennepin County, crashed the State of the County Address demanding, “Stop retaliation against union activists now! End racism, sexism, ageism at work!”


By Jae Yates

Minneapolis, MN – As the LGBTQ community prepares for the final week of Pride month, it is as important as ever to uphold the tradition of resistance of the Stonewall Rebellion and the LGBTQ movement it spawned. This means it is imperative to take a righteous stand against police terror and the rise in political and physical attacks against the LGBTQ community.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – 25 community members and organizers entered Mayor Jacob Frey’s office, June 6, to demand that the city stop stifling the East Phillips neighborhood’s efforts to build a community-owned sustainable urban farm on the site of an unused Roofing Depot plant in their neighborhood. The coalition was led by the Climate Justice Committee and the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI).


By staff

Twin Cities protest against U.S. intervention in Somalia.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 1, 40 people stood holding signs that read, “No troops! No drones! U.S. hands off Somalia!” and “Troops home now!” on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


By staff

Brian Mcintosh speaking to fellow strikers and supporters

Minneapolis, MN – At 6 a.m. Tuesday, May 24, mental health workers at three Minneapolis area hospitals walked off the job and went on a one-day strike. All three groups of workers organized and formed unions with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa (SEIU HCMN&IA) since September of 2021. Now they are fighting for their first contracts. They decided to do a joint one-day strike to show management that they are serious and united and will fight to win real improvements in their first union contract.