Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Students from UW-Milwaukee held “Die-In” in response to Ferguson verdict

Milwaukee, WI – Students from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) held a die-in on Nov. 25, in reaction to Ferguson cop Darren Wilson not being indicted for killing Mike Brown. About 40 students participated in the protest and many more watched.


By staff

African American mothers demand answers

Milwaukee protest slams killer cops

Milwaukee, WI – 350 people took to the streets here, Nov. 25, upon hearing that Ferguson’s killer cop Darren Wilson was not indicted for the shooting of unarmed teenager Mike Brown. This was the latest protest in Milwaukee against police murder and violence. In a case similar to Ferguson, Milwaukee Police Officer Christopher Manney shot unarmed 32-year-old Dontre Hamilton 14 times in a downtown park in April of this year. Dontre Hamilton was doing nothing wrong. An active and growing movement is calling for the arrest of Manney.


By staff

Protest planned for Nov. 25

Milwaukee WI – Dozens of people gathered on Nov. 24 at Red Arrow Park, downtown Milwaukee, anticipating the failure to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the murder of Michael Brown. Activists decorated a nearby park Christmas tree with posters in support of victims of police violence. Red Arrow Park is the site of the killing of African American youth Dontre Hamilton by a Milwaukee Police Officer earlier this year.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Over two dozen people gathered here in freezing temperatures the night of Nov. 14 to stand in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh and demand she be released from jail.


By Paz Vale

Milwaukee community members disrupt Obama's speech.

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 28, three community members, who support DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) for undocumented immigrants, interrupted President Obama’s speech during a Democratic Party campaign event supporting Mary Burke. Burke is running against Governor Scott Walker in this election.


By staff

Milwaukee students protest CIA recruitment on campus

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 29, students led by Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) and Progressive Students of Milwaukee (PSM) disrupted a CIA recruitment event held on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus.


By staff

Milwaukee WI – For the first time in Milwaukee's history, an African American woman is running as a socialist candidate for the office of Milwaukee county sheriff. The following is an interview that that Fight Back! conducted with Walker. For more information about her campaign, see Angela N Walker for Milwaukee County Sheriff Fight Back! asked Angela Walker to describe her campaign. Here is her response:


By staff

Participants in Milwaukee Black and Brown solidarity rally against deportations

Milwaukee, WI – More than 100 people gathered at a rally, Sept. 26 at the Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) to condemn deportations and police brutality.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – On the evening of Aug. 5, students, activists and community members gathered at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to hear Hatem Abudayyeh speak about the political repression and the case of Rasmea Odeh. Abudayyeh is a spokesperson for the Rasmea Odeh Defense Committee. The event was organized by Progressive Students of Milwaukee.


By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – More than 200 people gathered for a rally, Aug. 22, at Red Arrow Park in downtown here to continue the fight against the police brutality that’s directed against Black and Latino communities. Organizers brought public attention back to the many victims of police killings and white vigilantism, including Dontre Hamilton, Corey Stingley and Derek Williams. The rally was also showed solidarity with the people of Ferguson.