Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Mick Kelly speaking at April 10 anti war rally in San Francisco

San Francisco, CA – About 3000 people joined a spirited anti-war rally and march here, April 10, to demand an end to the war on working people at home and aboard. Organized by the United National Anti-War Committee, protesters gathered at the Dolores Park, marched through the Mission District and returned to the park for a closing rally.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – A lawsuit for damages totaling $75,000 will be filed in Federal Court, July 2, by attorneys representing Mick Kelly. Kelly is an organizer for the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War. Kelly was arrested outside the Xcel Center June 5 while passing out leaflets at an Obama rally. He was promoting the Sept. 1 anti-war march at the Republican National Convention. Police placed him under arrest, then he was searched, put in a squad car and taken blocks away to the old police headquarters where he was cited for soliciting and peddling.