Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – A major May Day march in Los Angeles is set for May 1, 1:00 p.m., at the intersection of North Soto Street and East Cesar Chavez. Marchers will assemble at nearby Mathews Street and Cesar Chavez.


By staff

March will oppose Trump's agenda; put forward working people’s agenda

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday April 29, at 4:30 p.m., immigrant rights activists, union members, students and others will gather at the intersection of Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in South Minneapolis to march downtown for immigrant and workers’ rights. They will unite to denounce the racism, xenophobia, immigrant bashing and attacks on worker’s rights that are typified by Donald Trump and other politicians who share his views. In contrast, they will march for a working people’s agenda that unites workers of all races, nationalities, genders and backgrounds to fight for economic and social justice.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Sigue la lucha en el Día Internacional de los trabajadores 2016

El primero de mayo es el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y nos pertenece a nosotros, los trabajadores y oprimidos que continuamos luchando por una mejor vida. Ya que los ricos, la poderosa clase multimillonaria que controla este país, goza de lujos los 365 días al año, el 1ero de mayo nosotros decimos ¡BASTA! Estamos cansados de ser oprimidos, vilipendiados y defraudados, y no lo vamos a aceptar más.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Stand up, fight back on International Workers Day 2016

May Day is our day. It is International Workers Day. It is a day that is all about us, working and oppressed people, and our fight for a better life. The wealthy, the powerful billionaire class that rules this country, wallow in luxury 365 days a year. On May Day, we say, “Enough!” We are tired of being held down, pushed around and sold out. We cannot accept things the way they are.


By Richard Blake

Lead banner at May 1 march in Havana.

Havana, Cuba – On May 1, hundreds of thousands of Cuban workers marched through Revolution Square to mark International Workers’ Day. Marchers at the front carried the banner bearing the words of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) declaration at their most recent Congress: “United in the construction of socialism.”


By Ian Decker

May Day rally in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, Utah—On May 2, more than 100 people rallied in celebration of International Workers Day. The event, put on by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, drew a large crowd to the steps of the city and county buildings. The people gathered to show solidarity with workers, immigrants, national and international movements.


By staff

One injured by police

Dallas, TX – Two groups of protesters took to the streets of downtown here on May 1. One group, led by Mothers Against Police Brutality, Organized Rebellion and other local civil rights groups, was marching in solidarity with the people of Baltimore and against police violence in Dallas. The other marched in support of immigrants and against deportations. Before the night was over, the two groups were marching together.


By Fern

Participants in Atlanta May Day event

Atlanta, GA – Two dozen activists from Florida and Georgia gathered here, May 2, where panelists gave a presentation about activism and May Day, followed by a group discussion.


By staff

Milwaukee May Day protest demands immigrant and workers rights.

Milwaukee, WI – May 1, International Workers’ Day, several thousand marched here in defense of workers and immigrants.


By staff

May Day march in Boyle Heights.

Los Angeles, CA – Undocumented Chicano and Central American students from Roosevelt High School led a militant May 1 march of about 400 people here on International Workers’ Day. The march included members of MEChA, and families, parents, and teachers in Boyle Heights. Viewed by thousands of spectators, youth supported by neighborhood families chanted, “Students support education and immigrant rights.”