Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Tom Burke

Lily Obando

As the Colombian peace process enters its final months of negotiations, the Colombian government set Liliany (Lily) Obando free the week of Jan. 22. Obando is a leading and renowned human rights defender. While in prison, Lily Obando never ceased to raise her voice in protest against the ongoing and systemic violations of human rights by the INPEC (Colombian prisons administration), and turned the prison into a place of struggle.


By Tom Burke

Lily Obando being released from prison (Fight Back! News/ Staff)

Colombia – Colombian political prisoner Liliany “Lily” Obando is now free, released on bond from prison where she spent over three and one-half years on charges of “rebellion”. Obando is today hugging her elderly mother and two children. The International Network in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (INSPP) is celebrating the freedom of this powerful Colombian woman labor activist and human rights defender. Obando is one of 8000 political prisoners and prisoners of war imprisoned by the Colombian government.