Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Hatem Abudayyeh is a well-known Palestinian activist and who has written extensively on developments in the Middle East.


By Tracy Molm

Protest in Minneapolis against Israel-Lebanon War

Minneapolis, MN - 250 people protested here to defend the people of Gaza and Lebanon July 20. The demand was made to stop spending tax dollars to occupy and destroy Palestine and Lebanon.


By staff

Protest in India against Israel-Lebanon War

The All India Anti Imperialist Forum organized protests across India July 24, against the attacks of Israel and the U.S. on Palestine and Lebanon. The West Bengal Committee of the AIAIF staged a large protest demonstration at Calcutta The following are excerpts from statement of the All India Anti Imperialist Forum giving an account of the event: “Before the start of the rally, Shri Manik Mukherjee, Vice-President, All India Anti-imperialist Forum, addressed a gathering at the Subodh Mullick Square. He said that, in one voice with the militant anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist forces of the world, the All India Anti-Imperialist Forum expresses bitter condemnation of the dastardly attack that the Zionist Israel has brought down for the last few days on Lebanon.” “Mukherjee also said that triggered on the flimsy pretext of demanding release of Israeli prisoners and combating terrorism, the bestial belligerence of the Israeli Zionist rulers forms nothing but a part of their long-pursued expansionist, aggressive policies against the Arab countries, more so Palestine. Thus, violating all norms of national sovereignty and civility, they have launched an all-out offensive indiscriminately killing innocent civilians, destroying civilian properties, facilities and constructions and thus damaging the very economic infrastructure of the country of Lebanon. The world stands astounded, albeit not for the first time, at the support and patronization that the warmonger US imperialist rulers have extended shamelessly to the war-maniac Israeli rulers, pleading for the right for self-defence for the barbaric attackers themselves. The AIAIF unequivocally denounces this act of the US imperialists and their cohorts, as well as the Israeli Zionists, which smacks of machination for escalating aggression over the people of the entire Middle East, in the face of ignominious defeat the US imperialism is experiencing on the soil of Iraq.” “Thereafter, the city witnessed a rally come out of the Square, resplendent with colourful banners and vibrant with resolute slogans against the barbaric imperialist attack and reached the venue at Metro Channel, Esplanade.” “The rally ended with burning of effigy of Israeli Prime Minister.”

Protest against Israel-Lebanon War in India

#India #News #Palestine #Lebanon #2006IsraeliInvasion #AllIndiaAntiImperialistForum #MiddleEast

By staff

In March, U.S. antiwar activist and Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Kosta Harlan attended a historic international solidarity conference in Italy with leaders of the Iraqi resistance ( see “Voices of the Iraqi Resistance,” Fight Back!, March 2007). Since returning to the United States, Harlan has traveled to college campuses and cities across the South, speaking to hundreds of students and antiwar activists about the Iraqi resistance. He spoke at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, Chapel Hill, and Charlotte; at Winthrop University in South Carolina; at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa and at community centers in Winston-Salem and Minneapolis, Minnesota.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Israel has added another offense to its long roster of crimes by attacking Lebanon. It is conducting an air war that intentionally targets civilians; even refugees fleeing in their cars are killed. Israel is systematically destroying the infrastructure of southern Lebanon by targeting people's basic needs – apartment buildings, warehouses full of food, gas stations, powers plants, bridges and roads. Almost a million people have been driven from their homes. Now Israeli ground troops have crossed the border into Lebanon.


By Meredith Aby

Caracas, Venezuela – Despite the rain, 500 people demonstrated here, at Plaza Venezuela, Aug. 1, to protest Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, and the U.S. support for Israel’s` offensives. Speakers, poets and singers denounced U.S. imperialism and Zionism from the stage.


By Kati Ketz

Over 10,000 people marched through the streets of D.C.

Washington, DC – People from around the country gathered here on August 12 to demonstrate against Israeli/ U.S. wars in Lebanon and Palestine. The demonstrators, mostly Arab-Americans, demanded an end to US aid to Israel and the end of Israeli occupation in Palestine and Lebanon. Families, with children and grandmothers, joined with students in front of the White House, chanting “No justice! No peace! US out of the middle east!” and “Israel is the terrorist – occupied people have the right to resist!” Organizers stated that about 30,000 people were in attendace.


By Carlos Reyes

Occupation is a Crime

On Saturday, August 12th, thousands of people marched through the streets of San Francisco chanting “One-Two-Three-Four, We don’t want your racist war! Five-Six-Seven-Eight, Israel is a terrorist state!” to protest the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Thousands of Arab Americans, waving flags of Lebanon and Palestine, brought both a militant and mass character to the march.

Arab-American Women

Fund health and education not occupation

Lebanon flag

Lebanon flags

#SanFranciscoCA #AntiwarMovement #News #Palestine #Imperialism #Lebanon #2006IsraeliInvasion #Zionism #Arabs #MiddleEast