Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Denver, CO – A crowd of about 30 people gathered at the Colorado State Capitol on Saturday, July 30, in solidarity with the people in Akron, Ohio and the family of Jayland Walker. Participants included victims of police crimes and their families in the Denver area. Protesters demanded the indictment of the eight Akron Police Department officers who murdered Jayland Walker, an immediate investigation into Akron PD by the Department of Justice, and community control of police through a civilian police accountability council.


By staff

Brooklyn, NY – On July 10 community organizers hosted a speak-out in Brooklyn to demand justice for Jayland Walker and other victims of police crimes while raising the demand for community control over the NYPD.


By staff

Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression protests police crime

Milwaukee, WI – After a series of storms this week, the skies cleared up and the sun shone down on a lively Milwaukee crowd of 30 people gathering for a vigil on July 9 at Lucille Berrien Park hosted by the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). The vigil honored Jayland Walker and various victims of police crimes in Milwaukee, especially Ernest Lacy, who was murdered by Milwaukee police 41 years ago to the date.


By staff

Chicago protest demands justice for Jayland Walker.

Chicago, IL – 200 protesters marched in Chicago's Federal Plaza, Wednesday evening, July 6, to demand justice for Jayland Walker, who was murdered on June 27 by Akron Ohio police. Speakers at the rally connected the murder to similar police killings and other police crimes such as torture and wrongful conviction. The protesters demanded that the officers who killed Jayland Walker be convicted, and that community control of the police be enacted.


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

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