Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Pro-Trump counter-revolutionary on the streets of Hong Kong.

On November 24, Hong Kong held local elections for all 18 district councils in the city, with 452 of the 479 council seats up for grabs. Amid the polarized political atmosphere created by the protests and riots that gripped the city this year, turnout was much higher than past local elections. In total, 2,931,745 people cast ballots for their local district councils; about 71% of the 4,132,977 registered voters.


By Liam Vertal

Minneapolis, MN – On October 18, the five-starred flag of the People’s Republic of China fluttered in the wind, as a group of patriotic Chinese international students marched in opposition to a reactionary demonstration billed as the “Liberty for Hong Kong March.”


By staff

Hong Kong demonstrators carrying U.S. flag.

There’s a tendency among progressives in the United States to support big crowds of people protesting in other countries. No doubt, the corporate media assists in this process by labelling certain movements ‘pro-democracy’ or ‘freedom fighters.’


By International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)

Fight US-Zionist repression of Palestinians in Germany!

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) in solidarity with Khaled Barakat, that was adopted at its 6th International Conference in Hong Kong, June 27.