Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Workers stand with raised fists in front of banner that reads "WTF DHL. We gave you years. You gave us 24 hours. Stop unfair firings. Teamsters yes!”

Cincinnati, OH – Workers at DHL’s largest air hub in the United States made history on Monday, August 12. DHL, bowing to months of escalating pressure after a two-year organizing campaign, officially recognized the union formed by over 1300 sort workers at the company’s Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) hub. Now unionized, the sort workers at CVG have joined Teamsters Local 89.


By Tom Burke

Rasmea Odeh in front of Federal Appeals Court, Oct. 14, In Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cincinnati, OH – Supporters of Rasmea Odeh could be heard chanting from blocks away in downtown Cincinnati, Oct. 14. Bus riders on their way to morning shifts crossed the street to take leaflets, while curious business people were drawn to watch the protesters chant, “Justice for Rasmea! Justice for Rasmea!” and “DOJ, let’s be clear, Rasmea is welcome here!”


By staff

_Hundreds of her supporters to fill courtroom and stand vigil outside _

Cincinnati, OH – On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, three appellate judges will hear oral arguments in the case of Rasmea Odeh, the prominent Palestinian-American activist from Chicago who was convicted last November in what supporters called a “travesty of justice.” Odeh was found guilty of a single count of Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization, and in March of this year, sentenced to 18 months in prison and deportation from the U.S. Organizers with the Rasmea Defense Committee are mobilizing supporters from Chicago, across the Midwest, and as far away as Florida and Georgia—to pack the appellate courtroom and stand vigil outside. Odeh’s colleagues, friends, family, and supporters made numerous and similar trips to Detroit for pre-trial hearings, the trial, and the sentencing since her arrest in 2013.


By Tom Burke

Woman holding "Locked out by NuTone" sign. Man holding Fight Back.

Cincinnati, Ohio – 450 union workers found themselves out of work at NuTone in Cincinnati, on Sunday, July 17. The manufacturer, NuTone, paid to have letters delivered to United Auto Workers Local 2029 members’ homes announcing the lockout. Workers set up picket lines at three plant gates and held cardboard signs saying, “NuTone locked us OUT!”


By staff

A photo of police aiming weapons at youth.

Cincinnati, OH – Police attempt to suppress African American uprising following the police murder of Timothy Thomas, April 7. Thomas was the fourth Black man killed by Cincinnati police since November. Cincinnati police have killed 15 African Americans since 1995.


By Tom Burke

January Gaza War Protest in Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH - 300 people protested the Israeli military invasion of Gaza on Saturday, Jan. 3. The protest sent a message that U.S. support for Israel must end. Gathering at Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati, the mostly Palestinian and Arab-American protesters were joined by dozens of social justice and solidarity activists from local communities, including Christian and Muslim peace activists. The Palestinian organizers circulated amongst white and African-American activists, thanking them for their support.

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