Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Activists announce mobilization for continued bond hearing July 13

Gathering to rally before Ariel Vences-Lopez's bond hearing

St. Paul, MN – More than 30 people rallied outside the Whipple Federal Building and packed the immigration court hearing today, July 10, for Ariel Vences-Lopez. They were there to oppose his deportation and support his efforts to be released from immigration detention. Vences-Lopez was the subject of a viral video showing him being improperly questioned about his immigration status during light rail transit fare check.


By staff

Activists still fighting to stop his deportation

Minneapolis, MN – On June 23, the charges against Ariel Vences Lopez of ‘fare evasion,’ ‘obstruction of process’ and ‘providing a false name to police’ were dropped. This legal victory is one step in the campaign that immigrant rights and anti-police brutality activists are waging to stop the deportation of Vences Lopez and stop police harassment and brutality on Twin Cities public transit.


By staff

Fight is on to stop his deportation

New Hope, MN – Protesters packed the June 12 city council work session in New Hope, a suburb of Minneapolis, to demand that the city fire police officer Andy Lamers. Until recently, in addition to his job in New Hope, Lamers also had a part-time job as a police officer with Metro Transit, which operates public transit in the Twin Cities area.