Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN – About 30 people came together here, August 9, to protest the escalating U.S. war on Iraq. Meredith Aby-Keirstead of the Twin Cities-based Anti War Committee told the crowd, “We are here today to say hands off Iraq. The U.S. needs to stop its intervention in Iraq and in the region. Immediately. There is no potential outcome where Iraq will be better off after more U.S.-sponsored death and destruction.”


By Kosta Harlan

Durham protest stands in solidarity with Gaza.

Durham, NC – Over 60 people gathered at a busy intersection in downtown Durham on Aug. 8 to show solidarity with the Palestinian people. Protesters chanted “Free, free Palestine!” and “End the occupation now!” as hundreds of people witnessed the rally from the road, many honking car horns in support.


By staff

Minneapolis June 21 protest says no to new war in Iraq

Minneapolis, MN – Speaking out against a new U.S. war in Iraq was the task of over 50 people who joined an anti-war protest here, June 21, along the sidewalks at Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street, one of the most visible locations in the city on a Saturday afternoon.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The organizers of a weekly peace vigil on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge are urging people to attend the Wednesday, June 18 vigil as an initial way of speaking out against a new U.S. war on Iraq.


By Tom Burke

Emergency protests being planned

Chicago, IL—With sectarian militants seizing cities and towns across northern Iraq and threatening war on Bagdad, President Obama announced on June 13, “We will not be sending US troops back into combat in Iraq, but I have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options.” In response, antiwar leaders in the US are speaking out against US intervention and mobilizing people to protest US war moves.


By staff

Protest at MN Senator Klobuchar’s office against occupation of Afghanistan.

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities area peace and anti-war groups held a protest at the office of Senator Amy Klobuchar, May 30, to respond to President Obama’s announcement that the U.S. plans to leave nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan. Organized under the call of “Zero Troops in Afghanistan – Bring All the Troops, Drones and War Dollars Home Now,” about 25 people joined the picket.


By Joe Iosbaker

Joe Iosbaker (standing) at Hotel Assaha in Beirut, Lebanon with other  Syrian el

Editors note: Prominent Chicago- based anti-war activist Joe Iosbaker is in route to Damascus, Syria where he will participate in a delegation of observers for the Syrian election’s. Fight Back! will publish commentary by Iosbaker as we receive it.


By Joe Iosbaker

Joe Iosbaker (center) with other observers to Syria's elections.

Damascus, Syria – Ten people from the U.S., Canada and Ireland have traveled to Syria to observe the presidential elections taking place here June 3. Our delegation is mainly anti-war and international solidarity activists who are members of organizations including the International Action Center, Syria Solidarity Committee, the Anti-War Committee-Chicago, the United National Antiwar Coalition and the International Solidarity Movement. We are hosted by a Iranian non-governmental organization, the International Union of Unified Ummah (Muslim community).


By Joe Iosbaker

Protest outside Boeing Company annual stockholders’ meeting.

Chicago, IL – The Boeing Company annual stockholders’ meeting took place at the Field Museum, April 28, and 25 activists protested, both inside and outside. Braving a cold downpour, they first gathered on the steps of the museum for a press conference in opposition to Boeing’s plan to build the next combat drone for the Pentagon. Then several of the protesters that had purchased stock in Boeing for this purpose went to make statements to the board of directors


By staff

Anti-War Committee program “The War Next Door: US Role in Colombia's Civil War"

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee (AWC) held a program called “The War Next Door: U.S. Role in Colombia's Civil War,” March 22 here at May Day Bookstore. Speakers included Eden Yosief, of SEIU Healthcare, who recently traveled to Colombia, along with AWC organizers Jess Sundin and Meredith Aby-Keirstead.