Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Anti-War Committee

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Twin Cites based Anti-War Committee.


By Frank Lynch

San Ysidro protest in solidarity with refugee caravan.

San Ysidro, CA – U.S. Border Patrol agents fired tear gas and rubber bullets into Mexico in response to a march organized by refugees, including many women and children, seeking asylum. The march had remained peaceful until Mexican authorities forced the refugees marching into a canal separating San Diego and Tijuana, according to the American Friends Service Committee. It was then that Border Patrol agents fired tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets into the crowd. One young girl is reportedly in critical condition after being “struck with tear gas” according to the Movimiento Cosecha. The world's busiest border crossing was subsequently closed on both sides.


By Sarah Martin

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Dublin, Ireland – The International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases began in Dublin, Ireland November 16, with a demonstration in front of the General Post Office, site of the 1916 Easter Uprising.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – On November 13 around 50 people gathered in front of the Federal Building in downtown Tucson to demand that President Trump remove over 5000 troops deployed to the border. With chants of “Say it loud, say it clear! Refugees are welcome here!” the crowd generated many honks of solidarity from passing cars, tractor trailers, school buses and city buses.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – On November 19 AXIOS reported that after years of controversy, Airbnb will remove all home-sharing lists – roughly 200 – in illegal Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank. According to a blog post, Airbnb said they have developed a five-part checklist to evaluate how it handles listing in occupied territories and based off that checklist, they “concluded that we should remove listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank that are at the core of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians.”


By Wyatt Miller

Steve Ellner speaking in Minneapolis against U.S. intervention in  Venezuela.

Minneapolis, MN – On November 10, more than 40 people gathered to hear Steve Ellner, a professor, writer and longtime Venezuela resident speak against U.S. sanctions and the Trump administration’s efforts to destabilize Venezuela.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Gaza under attack.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 12 statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).


By staff

V.I. Lenin

To mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, Fight Back! is reprinting some excerpts from the outstanding Russian revolutionary V.I. Lenin on the class nature of the war and what socialists should do about it. When the war broke out in 1914, the leadership of most socialist parties at the time often supported their ‘own’ governments. Lenin and other revolutionaries put forward the correct proposition that the war was a battle between imperialist powers, in which working-class movement should work for the defeat of their ‘own’ rulers, and, where possible, take advantage of those defeats, turn the imperialist war in to a civil war, and make use of every opportunity to seize political power and replace capitalism with socialism. The excerpts are taken from Lenin’s 1915 pamphlet “Socialism and War.”


By staff

¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Amanda Martínez, una Sandinista leal y patriótica. Su nombre verdadero ha sido omitido porque ella ha recibido amenazas violentas contra sí misma y su familia. Ella viene de la ciudad La Concepción, que está al sur de Managua y al oeste de Masaya. La Concepción tiene alrededor de 30,000 personas y es un área agrícola. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: Como sucedió El Golpe Suave en el pueblo de La Concepción? ¿Había tranques? ¿Secuestraron a gente? ¿Como trataron a la gente Sandinista? ¿Que hizo la Policía Nacional?

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By staff

Fight Back! interviewed Amanda Martinez, a patriotic Sandinista. Her name has been changed to a pseudonym, as counter-revolutionaries have made violent threats against her and her family. She lives in the small city of La Concepcion that is south of Managua and west of Masaya. La Concepcion has a population of around 30,000 people and is mostly an agricultural area. Fight Back!: How did the soft coup against President Ortega play out in the town of La Concepcion? Were there roadblocks? Did they sequester people? How did they treat Sandinista members? What did the National Police do?