Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Preston Gilmore

Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is gearing up to confront a neo-Nazi conference this weekend at the Montgomery Bell State Park in Dickson County. SDSers are organizing a rally outside of the Montgomery Bell Park Inn and Convention Center at 4 p.m. on April 26. They plan to send a message that Nazi terror and white supremacy will not be tolerated in Dickson County. Speakers at the rally will include representatives from organizations such as the Dream Defenders and One People’s Project, as well as local community and religious leaders.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa students demand “Hands off Ukraine.”

Tampa, FL – Tampa Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and anti-war activists from the community protested U.S. interference in Ukraine at Senator Marco Rubio's office, April 16. Marco Rubio supports efforts in the U.S. Senate to increase U.S. intervention and spend billions of taxpayer dollars in Ukraine. Students made three demands at Rubio’s office on the University of South Florida campus: No more U.S. intervention in Ukraine or Crimea; Stop U.S. aid to the illegitimate Ukrainian regime; and Oppose U.S. sanctions against Russia.


By staff

Ukrainian American reactionaries outside Chicago forum on U.S./NATO role in the

Chicago, IL – Under attack from aggressive Ukrainian fascists, 40 anti-war activists held a teach-in here on the unfolding Ukraine crisis and NATO expansion, April 12. An equal sized crowd of Ukrainian reactionaries, one carrying the battle flag of the fascist Ukrainian Insurgent Army and another man wearing a scarf bearing the insignia of the violent neo-Nazi Right Sector, attempted to push their way into the door of the union hall during the speakers’ presentations.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

What the U.S. is doing in the Ukraine is nothing short of criminal. The U.S. is backing outright fascists, in an effort to put the country under the domination of the West. The White House and Pentagon are acting as a threat to peace by imposing sanctions on Russia and sending warships and missiles into the region. All progressive people should oppose the ongoing U.S. intervention in the Ukraine.


By staff

'Indictment' posted on the door of U.S. Sen. John McCain's Tucson office

Tucson, AZ – On the evening of March 14, despite rainy weather, nearly 40 Tucson activists gathered to protest Senator John McCain’s support for terrorism and fascism around the world, particularly in the Ukraine and Venezuela.


By staff

_Confrontation with right-wing Ukrainians _

Kait McIntyre, of FRSO starting off chants against the Ukrainian nationalists

Chicago, IL – In a rally to mark the International Day Against Fascism and Racism, 35 people stood against a right-wing crowd of more than 100 at the Ukrainian Consulate in Chicago. Chanting, “Obama, McCain, no fascist Ukraine,” the small crowd braved the anger from the Ukrainian nationalists.