Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Sept. 25 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

BAYAN USA protest in New York City.

New York, NY – Over 200 people gathered in New York City on Sept. 16 to protest against the U.S.-backed President Rodrigo Duterte’s government of the Philippines. The action was to bring attention to the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, the crackdown and murders of opposition leaders, poverty, and the martial law that is currently in place.


By staff

Organizers firm in calling for Sharon Brannigan’s resignation

Chicago, IL – On Monday, August 13, the #ResignBrannigan campaign organized its 14th protest in Palos Township, marking a milestone in this anti-racist movement led by Arabs and Muslims, as residents protested not only Trustee Sharon Brannigan, but also the Nazi Congressional candidate Arthur Jones and his supporters, forcing them to leave the meeting. Jones was there to defend Brannigan and her racist hate speech.


By Frank Chapman

To my comrades and friends in the Black Liberation movement I say: Yes, it is important to point out the mutual suffering of separation of Central American and Mexican children from their families at the border and Black children daily separated through policies of mass incarceration and police perpetrated genocide; it is important if our point is to demonstrate that no oppressed people should be alone and isolated in the struggle for their humanity.


By Brad Sigal

Massive June 20 immigrants rights march in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – As part of a national day of action on June 30 to #KeepFamiliesTogether, thousands of people poured into the streets of Minneapolis to march against the Trump administration’s attacks on immigrant families. The crowd was certainly larger than the police estimate of 7000, which is the number that the corporate media parroted. Some march marshals estimated 20,000, and one of the organizations that led the march announced the crowd size to be 30,000 people.


By staff

On June 30, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), said that it is unlikely President Rodrigo Duterte would finish his term of office.


By Shaine Carrol-Frey

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Denver, CO – Over 3000 people gathered in Denver’s Civic Center Park, on the morning of June 30, as a part of nationwide demonstrations against the Trump administration’s cruel policy of separating immigrant families at the border. Speakers at the rally called for the abolishment of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The rally was followed by a march through downtown Denver.

#DenverCO #InJusticeSystem #ICE #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #immigrantRights #Antiracism #Dallas #Antifascism #Trump

By staff

Dallas protest for immigrant rights.

Dallas, TX – Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Dallas, June 30, to protest attacks on immigrants, particularly the detention of children and their separation from their parents.


By Elías Jaua

Inside one of the child internment camps.

Fight Back! is circulating an essay by Elías Jaua, the People's Power Minister for Education of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on the current crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border caused by the Trump administration's ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards migrating families. The article was posted in Spanish and translated to English by Fight Back! staff.


By staff

Inside one of the child internment camps.

Fight Back! is circulating an essay by Elías Jaua, the People's Power Minister for Education of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on the current crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border caused by the Trump administration's ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards migrating families. The article was posted in Spanish and translated to English by Fight Back! staff.