Fight Back! News

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South Florida Walmart Workers Walk Out!

By Cecelia O’ Brien

Walmart workers walk out in Hialeah, Florida in protest.

Hialeah, FL – In coordination with other Walmart workers across the nation, fourteen Walmart workers walked out of their workplace in Hialeah, Florida on Monday, November 25, 2013. They were joined by a group of around 50 demonstrators rallying in solidarity with the workers.

Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart) is gearing up for larger walk outs planned for Black Friday on November 29. Last year, about 300 workers walked out, and this year 1,500 workers are expected to participate. This activity marks the first organized labor resistance to Walmart’s employment practices.

Workers are demanding wages of $25,000 a year, full time positions for those who want them, and an end to retaliation against striking workers.

OUR Walmart points out that the Walton family heirs own more wealth than the bottom 40% of Americans put together. To demonstrate their frustration with income inequality, demonstrators in Hialeah broke open a golden Walton turkey.

Energy was high as workers and supporters chanted, “Who’s Walmart? Our Walmart!”

Supporters can join demonstrations on Black Friday in their area by searching the action network list of events:

#HialeahFL #walkout #workersRights #WalmartStrike #OURWalmart #workerStrikes

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