Solidarity with the Russian Communist Workers Party
Alexandr Cherepanov
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following solidarity statement from Freedom Road Socialist Organization to the Russian Communist Workers Party.
To: Russian Communist Workers Party
From: Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Dear Comrades,
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) stands in solidarity with you, and we condemn the cowardly attack that was carried out by the authorities of Tyumen at the November 7 event to mark the 103rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
We are particularly angered by the police assault on the First Secretary of the Tyumen Regional Committee and Secretary of the Central Committee for Organizational and Party Work, Comrade Alexandr Cherepanov. Leaders of FRSO have meet with Comrade Cherepanov on many occasions at the International Communist Seminar in Belgium, and we have great respect for his views and work.
Working and oppressed people the world over know the proud history of the Russian working class and of the glorious achievement of October 1917. We are glad that Russian communists, such as the Russian Communist Workers Party, are carrying forward the red flag, and are fighting for the reestablishment of socialism. And we stand with you in all who stand in your way!
With Communist Greetings,
Mick Kelly, for the Standing Committee of the CC Freedom Road Socialist Organization
#UnitedStates #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #Russia #RussianCommunistWorkersParty #Asia
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