Salt Lake City stands in solidarity with Oakland general strike
Nov. protest in Salt Lake City in solidarity with Occupy Oakland Nov. protest in Salt Lake City in solidarity with Occupy Oakland (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Salt Lake City, UT – Activists marched here in solidarity with Oakland’s general strike, Nov. 2. The marchers were angered by the extreme police brutality against peaceful demonstrators in Oakland, California.
Protest organizers hope that the march in solidarity with Oakland will inspire others to participate in the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Together movement. Christine Leaming pointed out where she’d like to see the movement go, “It’s time for us to step up and expand our tactics.”
Several groups showed up for the protest despite it being held in the middle of the day. Organizations participating included both the Industrial Workers of the World and the Revolutionary Students Union.
Organizers see this as only the beginning. Leaming said, “Definitely more to come. This is just getting started. The more we continue to diversify our tactics and have bigger and better actions, the more we will, hopefully, get more people on board.”
#SaltLakeCityUT #RevolutionaryStudentUnion #OccupyWallStreet #IndustrialWorkersOfTheWorld
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