RNC protest organizers meet with Cleveland city officials, press demand for permits to march against Trump
Tom Burke, of Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC. Tom Burke, of Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC, speaking at Cleveland press conference.
(Fight Back! News / Staff)
Cleveland, OH – Organizers of the main protests set for the Republican National Convention met today, June 23, with Cleveland city officials, including high-level representatives of the mayor’s office, public safety and others, to press their demand for permits to march on the Republican National Convention. The meeting followed a ruling in federal court this morning which undercut the city’s attempt to curtail the right to protest at the RNC.
Mick Kelly, a spokesperson for the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC stated, “Thousands of people are coming to Cleveland July 18 to protest against Trump and his reactionary agenda. At today’s meeting with the city, they once again refused to come across with the permits and we let them know we are prepared to go ahead no matter what.”
Tom Burke, also of the Coalition, stated, “We made it clear to the city that we want permits for a family-friendly rally that starts at 12:00 noon in Public Square Park. We also made it clear that if need be, we will negotiate our march route to the site of the RNC with police on the opening day of the convention if that is what needs to be done.”
Also attending the meeting was Larry Bresler of Organize! Ohio and Bryan Hambley of Stand Together Against Trump (STAT), who are also leading large protests at the RNC.
City officials agreed that another meeting with protest leaders will take place next week.
#ClevelandOH #2016Elections #DumpTrump #ProtestTheRNC #RNC2016
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