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Protest set to counter ‘Chicago Stands With Israel’ rally

By staff

Chicago, IL – A counter demonstration to the July 28 “Chicago Stands With Israel” rally is being organized by Coalition for Justice in Palestine.

According to a statement from protest organizers, “While millions across the world are rallying in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and for justice and peace in the region, including over 10,000 of us Chicagoans at both last weekend's protest and yesterday's – the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago is rallying in support of war, occupation and colonization right here in our city.”

“Mobilizations across the world are important to counter Israel's offensive. Join us tomorrow to say we don't want warmongers to rally in our town,” the statement continues.

The counter-protest will take place July 28, 10:45 a.m., at the State of Illinois building, Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph Street, in downtown Chicago.

The protest will put forward the following slogans: End the Siege on Gaza, Stop Killing the Palestinian People, Peace and Justice for Palestine, End the Occupation and Colonization of Palestine, and End U.S. Aid to Israel.

#ChicagoIL #Chicago #AntiwarMovement #Gaza #Palestine #Protest #Israel #CoalitionForJusticeInPalestine #Illinois #MiddleEast

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