Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Palestine: Towards “a Democratic Nation in All of Historic Palestine”

By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Political Statement to the Palestinian People on the 39 th Anniversary of the Founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

On the 11 th of December 1967, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was established. On today’s 39 th anniversary, the leadership, members, cadres, and fighters of the PFLP would like to express our gratitude for the continuous support we have received from the Palestinian and Arab people, as well as from progressive liberation forces worldwide.

We first want to salute the Palestinian Arab people in the 1948-occupied lands, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and in the Diaspora. We also salute the great martyrs of our people who gave their lives for the Palestinian cause, especially comrade Abu Ali Mustafa, Yasir Arafat, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Fat’hi Ashikaki, Zohair Muhsin, Tal’at Ya’koub, Majid Abu Sharar, Abu Al-Abbas, Khalid Nazzal, Jihad Jibril, Hasan Shaker, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, and Fahed Awwad.

Also, comradely greetings to the PFLP’s political prisoners in the Israeli occupation’s jails—women, men, children, and elderly. And to others from all Palestinian political forces in the enemy prisons, especially our General Secretary and comrade, Ahmad Saadat, and his deputy, comrade Abdel-Rahim Mallouh.

We also salute our sisters and brothers in Hezbollah, who demonstrated that victory over our Zionist enemy has become an achievable reality, despite what reactionary Arab regimes and other Arab defeatist forces continue to claim.

And finally, the patriotic people of Iraq—we are proud of them and their resistance against the invasion and occupation forces of the U.S.

Our Palestinian Masses,

Since the establishment of the PFLP, which emerged from the Pan-Arab Movement, we have been loyal, for decades, to the struggles and sacrifices of our people, and have continuously persevered to achieve the goals and aspirations of the liberation of Palestine and the establishment of a democratic nation, in all of historic Palestine, as a strategic goal—without diminishing the importance of achieving our interim goal of a sovereign, independent, Palestinian state on 1967-occupied land, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the return of all Palestinian refugees and their descendants to the homes and land from which they were displaced. We consider the Right of Return the most essential of our interim goals, and the main path to our strategic goal.

The Palestinian cause has entered a complex stage, as the Zionist enemy and the influential forces in what is called the “international community” continue to deny our people’s rights, and endeavor to revoke or reduce these rights—in an attempt to force our people to submit and surrender.

At the same time, the Zionist enemy continues its brutal aggression against our people—murder, destruction, assassination, house demolition, the uprooting of trees, land expropriation, settlement expansion, the continued construction of the Apartheid Wall, a suffocating political and economic siege, torture, and massive oppression.

Also, the Palestinian internal scene is witnessing increased conflicts and a polarization that has led to some fratricidal Palestinian clashes. This is a real threat that impacts Palestinian political and resistance forces, as well as all the Palestinian people and their national discourse. There is no choice in this situation but to have all forces re-establish their basic commitment to the highest n ational interest, to steer away from political party factionalism and sectarianism, and to move towards establishing a true national unity based on proportional representation on the ground. And this unity must be founded on the premise of our unequivocal Palestinian National Rights (“Thawabit Wataniyyah”)—to ensure the contribution of all in the building of our collective future.

We call upon all, including our own comrades, to work on building and supporting national unity, and we believe that the essence of this unity will be based on the following factors:

And since a national unity government is one of the main demands of our people as well, we call upon all Palestinian resistance and popular forces to participate in the current dialogue on the formation of this government, and insist that none of these forces attempt to isolate others from participating.

And, despite the brutal damage inflicted upon the Palestinians as a result of this siege, these powers continue their policies of economic strangulation. We condemn and denounce these policies, refuse any pre-conditions for ending the siege on our people, and demand that the siege end immediately. We call on PA President Abu Mazin to also demand an end to this siege from all of the aforementioned forces.

Our Palestinian Masses,

We, in the PFLP, on the occasion of our 39 th anniversary, reaffirm our promise and commitment to march forward in revolution and resistance until liberation and victory.

Eternal Glory to the Martyrs

Freedom for the Prisoners

December 11 th, 2006

#Palestine #PopularFrontForTheLiberationOfPalestine #Statement #MiddleEast

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