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Palestinians slam Arab regimes' ‘normalization’ with Zionist occupation

By staff

USPCN-Chicago co-chair Husam Marajda speaking at Chicago press conference

Chicago, IL – On September 15, the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine (CJP) held a press conference to reject the charade that was happening the same day in Washington, DC, where the Trump administration was holding a signing ceremony for a ‘peace’ arrangement between Israel and both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

CJP represents all of the major Palestinian organizations in Chicago. They spoke against the Arab regimes' ‘normalization’ with the Zionist Israeli enemy. Solidarity activists with the American Friends Service Committee and the Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy and others the agreement and criticized the U.S. role in continuing to support Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people.

Husam Marajda, co-chair of the Chicago chapter of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, spoke at the press conference, “This will not in any way change the material conditions faced by the Palestinians. The annexation plan was halted not because of a deal with the UAE, but because of the worldwide resistance to U.S. support of Israeli colonization and occupation of our lands. The Palestinian, Arab and world streets already reject these agreements, and will remain steadfast in fighting for our full liberation – from the river to the sea!”

#ChicagoIL #Palestine #PeoplesStruggles #USPalestinianCommunityNetwork #ChicagoCoalitionForJusticeInPalestine #MiddleEast

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