Fight Back! News

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Oshkosh rallies against Trump’s National Emergency, demands legalization for all

By staff

Oshkosh, WI – On February 18, a group of Oshkosh activists and members of United Action Oshkosh (UAO) rallied in protest against Trump’s declaration of a National Emergency last week. Chants of “Legalization for all!” and “No papers, no fear, refugees are welcome here!” rang out in the streets alongside Opera House Square.

With only a few days’ notice, the rally was organized after a call to action came from the Legalization for All Network.

“I think it’s important to communicate to people in this town who their allies are when it comes to standing against bigotry and unethical policies,” said Courtney Earl, a member of UAO. “Establishing that network of support is an important step in effecting meaningful change.”

UAO has protested similar decisions by the Trump administration, most notably the bombing of Syria last spring, the selection of rapist Brett Kavanaugh as nominee to the Supreme Court, and in opposition to the anti-transgender amendment of Title IX. The group stands in total opposition to Donald Trump and his anti-people agenda.

#OshkoshWI #PeoplesStruggles #DonaldTrump #UnitedActionOshkosh #NationalEmergency

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