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NYC demands: “No War on Iran”

By staff

NYC protest against a U.S. war on Iran.

New York, NY – Over 200 attended a rally at Columbus Circle in New York City on January 26 to demand no war on Iran. The protest was part of a global day of action demand U.S. hands off Iran, weeks after President Trump assassinated Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian general.

The action was called by Answer Coalition and United National Antiwar Coalition, with endorsements and speakers from various organizations, including International League of People’s Struggles, International Action Center, December 12th Movement, BAYAN, and many others.

Despite the rain, the crowd was passionate in calling an end to the United States’ attacks on Iran, as well as an end to wars and sanctions against counties around the world. Along with speaking out against the U.S. history of and present day of aggression against Iran, the speakers highlighted the various other countries the U.S. has interfered in and how we must stand together to fight back against all the U.S. attacks.

“There is no entity on earth as savage as the United States,” said Suzanne Adely of the National Lawyers Guild. “It is our job to expose, and to challenge that savagery.”

Along with demanding U.S. out of Iran and everywhere, there was a call to build the anti-war movement in the United States. Nina Macipinlac from BAYAN USA said, “We must also build the anti-war movement here and support the people here in the U.S. We must see our struggle as one against U.S. imperialism.”

#NewYorkNY #AntiwarMovement #PeoplesStruggles

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