Milwaukee says no to FBI and Grand Jury repression of anti- war activists
Protestors holding signs against FBI raids on antiwar movement Milwaukee Activist Defense Network and Students for a Democratic Society protesting in coordination with the national week of action to stop FBI repression (Fight Back News!/Staff)
Milwaukee, WI – On Dec. 3, the Milwaukee Activist Defense Network and Students for a Democratic Society held a protest in coordination with the national week of action to stop FBI repression. Students handed out fliers and passed a petition at the busiest intersection in Wisconsin to raise awareness of the FBI repression that is targeting activists around the country.
Natasha Morgan of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) spoke to the crowd about the urgency of taking action against the raids by calling congress people and the U.S. attorney general.
#MilwaukeeWI #AntiwarMovement #StudentMovement #StudentsForADemocraticSocietySDS #September24FBIRaids #grandJury #MilwaukeeActivistDefenseNetwork
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