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Milwaukee: Justice for Brieon Green Coalition speaks to Fire and Police Commission

By staff

Milwaukee, WI – On December 15, members of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and Brieon Green’s mother and sister attended the Fire and Police Commission general meeting to voice their support for the 24/48 Campaign.

Laquita Dunlap, Brieon’s mother, and Brieanna Green, Brieon’s twin sister, delivered powerful statements to the members of the Fire and Police Commission (FPC). They demanded the FPC create a Standard Operating Procedure that codifies the timely, public release of footage and names of officers involved in cases of police misconduct. Having gone through nearly six months of struggle to access the footage pertaining to Brieon’s death, they spoke with a profound conviction that even moved a commissioner to tears.

In her public comment, Brieanna read aloud the following poem she had written for Brieon Green:

Demanding for full footage since June 26, 2022, is what brings me here. You were supposed to be protected. You were supposed to be here. But instead, you got neglected, and left with fear. How are we supposed to trust, when nothing seems clear.

Going on 6 months, still no full video footage, no transparency, no accountability. This is too much to bear. This is so unfair.

Before this meeting, Green’s family had been primarily focused on demanding transparency from the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office. They decided to attend and speak at the FPC’s meeting because they firmly believe there needs to also be transparency and accountability from the Milwaukee Police Department.

Throughout the 24/48 campaign, the Milwaukee Alliance has been supported by families who have been impacted by police crimes. These demands for transparency and accountability have been significantly informed by the fighting families of Milwaukee.

#MilwaukeeWI #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #MilwaukeeAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression

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