Milwaukee: After hung jury, federal judge rules for new trial in case of killer cop
Milwaukee, WI – On March 20, the jury in the federal civil trial of the Cole family against killer cop Joseph Mensah could not reach consensus. Mensah was a Wauwatosa, Wisconsin cop when he killed Alvin Cole and is now a detective for Waukesha County. The suit asserts that Mensah used excessive force with Cole, after shooting Cole multiple times at the Mayfair Mall’s parking lot while the latter was on his hands and knees on February 2, 2020.
The trial began on Monday, March 17 with current and former law enforcement officers, witnesses and Cole’s family members testifying. After hearing contradictory statements from Mensah and reviewing the footage, the jury spent many hours deliberating.
Before the jury walked back into the courtroom to communicate with the judge, two armed U.S. Marshals entered the courtroom and stood by the door. Once the jury declared that they could not reach a decision and Judge Adelman ruled for a new trial for September, Cole family attorney Nate Cade raised the issue of the marshals walking in, and Judge Adelman stated he did not know why they entered the courtroom. Many members of the audience also communicated issues with the U.S. Marshals walking in after the court was dismissed.
When asked about the hung jury, Cade said “We are more than ready to try it again.” Tracey Cole, the mother of Alvin Cole stated, “This makes us fight more.” If it wasn’t for the fighting families in Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression wouldn’t be the organization it is today. The family of Alvin Cole was the first family the Milwaukee Alliance worked with after its refounding in April of 2020. Long time member and original founder Brian Verdin declared “Milwaukee Alliance is all in for the families.”
The re-trial for this case will take place on September 8 at 9 a.m.