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Massive memorial service for Jacksonville man killed by police

By Richard Blake

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Over 1000 mourners gathered today, May 23, for the memorial service for D'AngeloStallworth. Stallworth was a father of three and part-time supervisor at UPS with 11 years at the company. Pastor Craig Campbell, a UPS driver, led the service at the Paxon Revival Center.

D'Angelo was shot and killed by two Jacksonville Sheriff's Office officers on May 12 as the officers were serving an eviction notice to a neighbor. After getting into a confrontation with Stallworth, the officers fired a total of six shots as he fled down the stairs. The police immediately came out with a story full of inconsistencies, so the family ordered an independent autopsy of the body. The recently released autopsy shows that the bullets that entered his body, including the fatal shot, came from above and behind. This indicates that not only was D'Angelo unarmed when killed, but he was shot in the back.

The service included a praise dance as well as a beautiful solo singing performance by Latoya Watts. Pastor Campbell then opened up the microphone for reflections from those who knew him best. Friends and family shared stories of D'Angelo as a man who loved his children and always had a smile on his face. Several remarked on the huge attendance as a testament to the kind of person D'Angelo was. Many of the speakers ended their reflections by stating that “justice will be served.” Dozens and dozens of mourners wore #Justice4Dee T-shirts to mark their commitment to bringing the officers who killed D'Angelo to justice.

Many fellow UPSers attended the ceremony to show their support. Coworkers used the week beforehand to go to the massive Jacksonville UPS warehouse where D'Angelo worked to inform people of the memorial service. A supervisor set up a board at the warehouse entrance while hourly employees handed out fliers at the gates.

After the service, attendees drove to Jacksonville Memory Gardens to put D’Angelo Stallworth’s body to rest. Fight Back! will continue to cover further actions and events regarding this case.

#Jacksonville #JacksonvilleFL #PoliceBrutality #PeoplesStruggles #Florida #BlackLivesMatter #DangeloStallworth #Justice4Dee #Jax

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