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Mass arrests at Occupy Boston

By staff

Boston, MA – Students and union workers met at Dewey Square, Oct 10 and marched, 10,000 strong, all over downtown. All the groups identified as the 99% and had agreed to march together on Columbus Day. The occupiers made a point to call the day Indigenous People’s Day, an acknowledgement of the colonial terror associated with Christopher Columbus.

The 99% nearly claimed the Charleston Bridge to demonstrate its desire for occupation of all Boston. One person was arrested.

The relationship with the police, which was until this time was amicable, soured quickly. Boston Occupiers linked arms to ward off marauding police and swat personnel Oct. 11, in the early morning. The protesters expanded into the park across the street because their numbers grew. Despite getting the permission of the park's caretaker, the police started making arrests and destroying the property of occupiers at about 1:30 a.m.

Many of the 141 arrested protesters were brutalized or later mistreated in police custody, but later released on civil charges. While the peaceable occupiers were in custody, they maintained high spirits and sang Solidarity Together. One victim of police repression, Kyle Forrester, said, “It was unanimous amongst the arrested that our sacrifice would only grow the movement and I hope that holds true in the coming days.”

The 99% at Occupy Boston kept their resolve to make sure their voice is heard. Plans for the weekend of Oct. 15-16 include a solidarity march against U.S. imperialist wars. The numbers participating are expected to be similar.

#BostonMA #AntiwarMovement #Labor #PoliceBrutality #OccupyBoston #OccupyWallStreet

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