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March 4 Chicago protest demands “Chop from the top!”

By staff

Protest at Univ of Illinois-Chicago on March 4, 2010 Protest at Univ of Illinois-Chicago on March 4, 2010 (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Chicago, IL – There was a forceful protest of over 250 people at the University of Illinois-Chicago who came out to defend education and to fight for fair contracts, March 4. Chanting, “Chop from the top!” and “Whose university? Our university!” students, members of SEIU Local 73, the Graduate Employees Organization and faculty joined in unison against the administration placing the budget crisis on their backs. Earlier in the day, there was a forum by several professors speaking on the budget crisis, followed by a rally and march through the campus to the administrators’ building. The day closed with a soup kitchen provided by SEIU to demonstrate for a fair contract.

SEIU Local 73 President Christine Boardman announced, “Clerical workers at UIC will be taking a strike authorization vote in the coming weeks.” This was after she described the eight months of fruitless negotiations, the layoffs of union members and the conservative policies of the UI administration. “A strike might be just what’s needed to fix the situation here.”

#ChicagoIL #StudentMovement #SEIULocal73 #March4thMovement

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