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Man experiencing mental health crisis shot and killed by Colorado Springs police

By staff

Colorado Springs police vehicles with their lights on block an intersection.

Colorado Springs, CO – On December 13, at approximately 9:40 p.m., an unidentified man called 911 stating he was suicidal and had a firearm. By the time El Paso County sheriffs responded, an hour later, they could not find the man, as he had made his way to the parking lot of a local business. Colorado Springs Police claim the man refused to comply with demands to drop his weapon, and the police eventually shot and killed him.

There was no point in the night where the man was able to get the help he clearly desperately needed. It is unclear at this moment what factors drove the man to seek help by calling the police, but their late arrival and the violent conclusion to the situation is indicative of a police force ill-equipped and unable to de-escalate during mental health crises. Without actual, formalized oversight from the community, situations like this will continue to happen.

As of now, the name of the man has not been released, and no body cam footage has been made available. Colorado is currently on track to see its deadliest year since 2020 as far as police killings.

#ColoradoSpringsCO #CO #InJusticeSystem #PoliceCrimes #PoliceBrutality #KillerCops

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