Low-income people want welfare grants upped, set to picket opening day of MN legislative session
St. Paul, MN – On Jan. 6, at 11:30 a.m., members of the Welfare Rights Committee will gather outside the capitol as legislators file into the building for the opening day of the legislative session. Protesters will form a line outdoors, on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd. across from the State Office Building. After that, they will visit legislators’ offices and hand-deliver “Past Due” notices.
Loretta Van Pelt states, “It is an outrage that in 29 years the grants have not been raised. It is an outrage that 70,000 children in this state live in extreme poverty. They owe the low income people in this state more than empty promises. 29 years is too long to wait, the time is now!” In 2015 the Welfare Rights Committee will push for bills to increase the welfare grants, end the 5-year limit on welfare and to give aid to all in need.
#StPaulMN #PoorPeoplesMovements #welfare #WelfareRightsCommitteeWRC #Minnesota
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