Low-income people go to MN governor’s mansion, tell Dayton to raise welfare grants
St. Paul, MN – Members of the Welfare Rights Committee were at the governor’s mansion, Jan. 15, to deliver hundreds of postcards urging Governor Dayton to raise Minnesota’s welfare grants. Dayton is staying at the mansion while he recovers from back surgery.
The post cards read in part, “Welfare for families in poverty has not been increased for 27 years. In 1986 the cash grant for a family of two was $437 a month and today the grant is still only $437 a month. The cost of living has more than DOUBLED since 1986.”
Welfare Rights Committee members gathered the signatures for the postcards outside the Ramsey and Hennepin County public assistance offices.
In the weeks ahead, legislation will be introduced to dramatically increase the welfare grants.
#Minnesota #StPaulMN #PoorPeoplesMovements #WelfareRightsCommitteeWRC #GovernorDayton