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Los Angeles: Hands Off the Uhuru 3 event

By staff

Los Angeles event demands charges against the Uhuru 3 be dropped.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – In a packed room of Black and Chicano activists, high school students, and other supporters, a May 23 forum was held in support of the Hands Off the Uhuru 3 movement. The Uhuru movement is led by the African People's Socialist Party, which is facing political attacks by the FBI.

On July 29, 2022, the FBI carried out a violent military style pre-dawn raid on Uhuru Movement leader Omali Yeshitela’s home in North St. Louis, Missouri. They also raided several other homes and offices.

In April of 2023, the U.S. government indicted Chairman Omali Yeshitela, African People's Solidarity Committee Chairperson Penny Hess, and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel on false, slanderous charges that they were working for Russia.

The Los Angeles event was emceed by Ron Gochez, political secretary of Union del Barrio (UdB). He welcomed Desiree P. Gaytan of UdB, who gave a brief history of Black political struggle in South Central Los Angeles, including the Watts Rebellion and the LAPD attack on the Black Panther Party.

Several solidarity statements were given including African Town Coalition, Ron Wilkins, the Lumumba Coalition, Black Alliance for Peace, and the Socialist Unity Party.

A statement from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Central Committee was read by Carlos Montes, “Freedom Road Socialist Organization is committed to pushing back against this repression and we stand in solidarity with those under attack. We know from experience how important resistance to repression is.”

Montes also stressed the long history of unity with the Chicano and Black liberation movements.

The program included a video of the FBI raid of seven of the APSP homes and offices. The FBI used flash and smoke grenades and smashed open doors and detained Chairman Omali and his wife.

The keynote address was given by African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela, who denounced the FBI raids and the bogus charges.

A call was made to attend the trial in Tampa, Florida on September 3. A spirited fundraising pitch raised more than $2000.

#LosAngelesCA #CA #InJusticeSystem #PoliticalRepression #Uhuru3 #UDB #APSP #BAP #SUP