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Los Angeles: Chicano student walkout for principal to get job back

By Marisol Márquez

Students at Mendez High School walk out of classes demanding rehiring of the school principal.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – On the morning of May 28, over 100 Chicano students at Mendez High School walked out of their classes. Students were demanding that their school principal Mauro Bautista be brought back after mysteriously being removed for more than a month now from the school.

Starting at 9 a.m., the students walked out of their classes and marched along the front of the school, holding a banner that read, “Free Jefe!” After the march and coming back to school premises, the students refused to return to classes and staged a sit-in, where organizers read their demands and made speeches.

Their demands were clear:

Full transparency from Los Angeles Unified School District about the return and cause for our principal's absence, to all students, staff and parents.

A reinstatement of Mr. Bautista in time for graduation.

Mr. Bautista will sign the diplomas of the class of 2024.

No changes during Bautista’s period of absence, this includes any new policies, police in schools, random searches, removal of community partnerships, and any defunding.

Students, staff, and parents will receive a formal apology for the disservice to our education, in the disruption and dishonesty from the Los Angeles School District regarding Bautista's absence and the district’s lack of transparency.

The students also denounced the presence of LAPD school police on campus. Dozens of cars honked in support and gave water and snacks to the students. Other supporters joined their efforts from the sidewalk and on the other side of the school gates.

One parent, Jonathan Everhart, said, “I’m out here supporting my daughter who is a student here. Mr. Bautista is one of the best principals I have seen at LAUSD. He is from the community and his kids go to this school as well. Mr. Bautista has been a vocal advocate for his students, demanded no cops be allowed on campus and has been against searches of his students. He has also fought against budget cuts at his school and advocates against charter schools. Mendez students fear these are the reasons why he has been removed.”

Chants during the march and walkout included, “When students are under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back!” “No Bautista! No students!” Posters throughout the march and picket included “Answers now!” “Speak up Ana Vega” and “We won’t be silenced until we get an answer!”

A member from Centro CSO, Gabriel Quiroz Jr, was present at the sit-in and had this to say, “I’m here to stand in solidarity with the students who are fighting for what they believe in and for a principal who has always had their backs. The fact that he wouldn’t allow LAPD on campus and wouldn’t allow searches of his students is commendable. It’s disgusting that the district would allow police to intimidate students who are peacefully protesting and rightfully angry at the lack of transparency. I’m very proud of the students who are fighting back!”

Mendez High students are hoping to win their demands in time for graduation, including that Principal Bautista to sign and hand them their school diplomas.

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