Jacksonville builds for Michael Brown march
Jacksonville, FL – Members of the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition (JPC) will be hosting a solidarity march demanding “Justice for Michael Brown!” at 6:00 pm on Saturday, Aug. 16, starting at Hemming Plaza in downtown Jacksonville.
Like dozens of cities across the country have already done, the city of Jacksonville will be marching to demand jail-time for the killer cop who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on Aug. 9. Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American, was unarmed. Activists and organizers have been busy planning the march, doing outreach and flyering at local shopping centers, bus stations and gas stations in the community. The march is expected to be well attended and powerful.
JPC Organizer Biko Misabiko said, “We're marching to stand in solidarity with Michael Brown and his family. We also want to relate what's going on in Ferguson to what's going on in Jacksonville with State Attorney Angela Corey and her war on black youth. There's been too much police brutality and terror in Jacksonville already. Angela Corey looks out for corrupt cops, just like the system protects the killer cop in Missouri. That's why only the people organized into a political force can get justice for victims of police brutality.”
Fight Back! News urges Jacksonville readers to attend the march.
#JacksonvilleFL #PoliceBrutality #JacksonvilleProgressiveCoalition #Ferguson #JusticeForMichaelBrown