International solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Joint Statement in Solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is one of the many signers. Joint Statement in Solidarity with KKE
Dear comrades,
We, Communist and Workers Parties are following the developments in Greece, the offensive of the European Union, capital and its political representatives against the workers'-people's rights.
We, Communist and Workers' Parties have supported the struggles of the Greek workers and we have expressed our internationalist solidarity with and support for the struggle of the KKE.
For many years, the governments of ND and PASOK in cooperation with the EU-ECB-IMF have implemented memoranda and harsh anti-people laws with painful consequences for the working class and popular strata.
Today, the anti-people agreement-third memorandum which was signed by the SYRIZA-ANEL government, supported by ND and PASOK, with the Troika maintains the anti-people measures of the previous governments and thrusts new burdens onto the workers of Greece, unbearable taxation, the abolition of social-security and labour rights, the reductions in wages and pensions, privatizations etc., worsening the situation of the families from the popular strata even further.
These developments allow us to draw certain useful conclusions in order to strengthen the people's struggle, such as:
Capitalism can not be humanized. It gives rise to crises, unemployment and poverty. In reality, it has been demonstrated that every kind of management of the system sharpens the people's problems and increases the profits of big capital.
The EU is a reactionary imperialist organization. “Democracy”, “Solidarity” and social justice can not exist inside its framework.
We, the Communist and Workers Parties which sign this message, appreciate the decisive-consistent stance of the KKE at the side of the working class, the Greek people for the abolition of the memoranda, against the anti-people agreement signed by the SYRIZA-ANEL government (and the other bourgeois political parties) with the Troika (EU-ECB-IMF).
Our parties salute the struggle of the communists in Greece for the workers'-people's rights, the overthrow of capitalist barbarity, for socialism.
1. CP of Albania
2. CP of Australia
3. Party of Labour of Austria
4. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS),
5. CP of Bangladesh
6. CP of the Workers of Belarus
7. Brazilian CP
8. CP of Britain
9. CP of Bulgaria
10. Party of the Bulgarian Communists
11. Union of Communists in Bulgaria
12. CP in Denmark
13. UCP of Georgia
14. Workers' Party of Hungary
15. Workers' Party of Ireland
16. CP of Macedonia (FYROM)
17. CP of Malta
18. CP of Mexico
19. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
20. NCP of the Netherlands
21. CP of Pakistan
22. Phillipinese CP [PKP-1930]
23. CP of Poland
24. Russian CWP
25. NCP of Yugoslavia
26. CP of Slovakia
27. South African CP
28. CP of the Peoples of Spain
29. Syrian CP
30. CP (Turkey)
31. Party of Communists USA
32. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (USA)
33. CP of Venezuela
#Greece #PeoplesStruggles #solidarity #CommunistPartyOfGreece #Europe
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