Greek general strike set for Dec. 3
Fight Back News Service is circulating the call from the Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) for a general strike. PAME calls the trade unions to alert General-Nationwide Strike Uprising!
On December 3 all workplaces to be deserted. Take all necessary steps to prepare and organize the strike, so as every city to be swept by people’s protests! PAME calls all workers, the unemployed, the women, the pensioners, the self-employed and the small farmers, in common struggle to block the premeditated crime of the Capital-the Greek Government-the EU against social security. The vultures of private insurance companies and the merchants of health already sharpen their claws.
No consensus in the massacre! Rise Up Now!
Block the dismantling of social security!
Say no to the new state budget that brings new weights and measures at the expense of poor people, new brutal cuts in social security, tax increases for the poor, privileges for the rich.
#Greece #Labor #generalStrike #AllWorkersMilitantFrontOfGreecePAME #Europe
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