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Chicago Teachers Union rallies for a fair contract and justice

By staff

Chicago Teachers Union

Chicago, IL – 5000 teachers and their supporters marched in the Chicago Teachers Union first major contract mobilization, June 9. Their slogan was “A Fair Contract and A Just Chicago,” continuing their tradition of fighting for the needs of the working class as well as their members.

Chicago Public Schools is claiming poverty, and that it can’t afford necessities, like a librarian and a nurse in every school. But Mayor Rahm Emanuel won’t go after banks that owe the city $1.2 billion in ‘toxic swap’ liabilities.

CTU President Karen Lewis received a deafening greeting from the members when she stepped to the microphone. You can understand why the teachers love her when she put into words what working people feel. “The press asks me, why do I keep talking about taxing the rich as the solution to the crisis.”

CTU includes in their program demands for an elected school board. When Lewis returned to work earlier this year after taking off three months because of her battle with cancer, she presented her agenda for justice, which also included civilian control of the police by an elected council.

#ChicagoIL #ChicagoTeachersUnion #PublicSectorUnions #TeachersUnions

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