Chicago protest demands: “Stop the Execution of Troy Davis”
Mark Clements leads chants against the scheduled execution of Troy Davis. (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Chicago, IL – Death row prisoner Troy Davis was denied clemency today, Sept. 20, by the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles. He is scheduled to be executed tomorrow night.
Emergency protests are being held around the country. In Chicago, Amnesty International, Students for a Democratic Society and other groups gathered in front of the national headquarters of President Obama’s re-election campaign.
Mark Clements of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty had just returned from Atlanta where he had been with supporters of Davis outside the Georgia State Capitol. He told Fight Back!, “Seven out of nine witnesses have recanted their testimonies. The parole board says that these witnesses are less than credible now, but they were credible enough to convict him. How could that be?”
Clements has first-hand knowledge of the racist justice system in the US. He served 28 years in prison after being tortured into making a false confession by Chicago police.
Last minute appeals are being directed to Chatham County District Attorney, Larry Chisolm. He has the power to withdraw the death warrant. Clements said that the struggle for Davis’s life will continue until the last minute.
Call Larry Chisolm: 912-652-7308. Demand he vacate the death sentence for Troy Davis.
#ChicagoIL #AfricanAmerican #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DeathPenalty #CampaignToEndTheDeathPenalty #TroyDavis
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