Chicago protest demands resignation of Puerto Rico’s governor
Jazmine Salas speaks at Chicago protest demands resignation of Puerto Rico’s gov Jazmine Salas speaks at Chicago protest demands resignation of Puerto Rico’s governor. (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Chicago, IL – About 400 people rallied marched in neighborhood of Humboldt Park, July 21, calling for the resignation of Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rossello. Jazmine Salas emceed the demonstration, which was called by the Chicago Boricua Resistance. Chanting “Ricky renuncia!” (Ricky resign), the crowd added their voices to the hundreds of thousands who are protesting on the island.
Puerto Rico is a colony of the U.S. that is fighting for its independence.
Also speaking at the protest was Kobi Gullory of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, who spoke the struggle for community control of the police and noted that Blacks and Latinos in the U.S. and people of Puerto Rico are oppressed by U.S. imperialism.
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