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Chicago protest demands freedom for Holy Land 5

By staff

Chicago joins national day of protest to free Holy Land Five

Chicago, IL – On Oct. 25, wind gusts of over 30 miles an hour almost tore the banner from the hands of supporters of the Holy Land Five. 20 activists gathered for a lunch hour protest in front of the national headquarters of President Obama’s re-election campaign.

Hatem Abudayyeh thanked the folks who came out, leafleted and talked to passersby. “The Supreme Court will decide in the next two weeks if they will hear this appeal. We have to raise awareness now,” said Abudayyeh.

Abudayyeh, one of 23 anti-war activists targeted by an FBI raid in September 2010, has yet to receive his belongings from Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas. Jonas helped lead the prosecution of the Holy Land Five and is also involved the investigation of the Anti-War 23.

#ChicagoIL #Palestine #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #HatemAbudayyeh #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #HolyLandFoundation #HolyLandFive #BarryJonas #PoliticalPrisoners

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