Chicago protest to demand end of federal investigation of anti-war and international solidarity activists
Chicago, IL – Chicagoans are joining in a national week of actions organized by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression ( and the United States Palestinian Community Network (, calling for an end to the Department of Justice investigation into the anti-war and international solidarity work of 23 activists from the Midwest.
It has been almost two years since the Sept. 24, 2010 FBI raids on the homes and offices of the activists in Chicago, Minnesota and Michigan. None of the 23 who were served subpoenas to appear at a grand jury investigating “material support for designated terrorist organizations” have testified and there have been no indictments. But less than two months ago, Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas declared that the investigation is ongoing, refusing to return much of the original materials seized from the home of Palestinian American community leader Hatem Abudayyeh and his family.
Professors Barbara Ransby and Bernardine Dohrn, Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, People’s Law Office attorney Michael Deutsch and Abudayyeh will be participating in a press conference on Sept. 20, at 3:30 p.m., at the Dirksen Federal Building in downtown Chicago. Written statements from U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and former Alderman Dick Simpson will be available. Cook County Clerk David Orr and Alderman Joe Moore also support the demand to end the investigation. The protest will follow at 4:30.
“The U.S. Attorney’s Office is making a mockery of free speech rights and justice. These people are being targeted because of their political beliefs, and they have been living with these allegations for two years. Enough is enough! The investigation must end,” says Newland Smith of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship in Chicago.
The protest is sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Committee Against Political Repression, Coalition to Protect People’s Rights, Episcopal Peace Fellowship – Chicago Chapter / Diocese of Chicago Peace and Justice Committee, Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) and the United States Palestinian Community Network.
#ChicagoIL #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #AntiWar23 #PalestinianCommunityNetwork #PoliticalRepression
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